import numpy as np import mayavi.mlab as mlab import moviepy.editor as movedit from spherical_harmonic import spherical_harmonic from latex_util import get_latex_img_data fm1 = r"$r = \sin^3(4\phi) + \cos^3(2\phi) + \sin^2(6\theta) + \cos^4(6\theta)$" fm2 = r"$x = r \sin(\phi) \cos(\theta)$" fm3 = r"$y = r \cos(\phi)$" fm4 = r"$z = r \sin(\phi) \sin(\theta)$" # MAKE A FIGURE WITH MAYAVI fig = mlab.figure(size=(800,450), bgcolor=(1.0,1.0,1.0), fgcolor=(0.,0.,0.)) x, y, z = spherical_harmonic(n=360.0, m4=6) mlab.mesh(x, y, z) duration = 30.0 # duration of the animation in seconds (it will loop) fps = 20 # frames per second frames = (duration * fps) zm = np.power(10.0, 1.0/frames) # LaTeX formula of the parametric equations mlab.text(0.02, 0.90, fm1, figure=fig, width=0.45) #, color=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), opacity=0.2) mlab.text(0.02, 0.82, fm2, figure=fig, width=0.15) mlab.text(0.02, 0.74, fm3, figure=fig, width=0.1) mlab.text(0.02, 0.66, fm4, figure=fig, width=0.15) def make_frame(t): r = (duration/10.0) * 180.0 / frames a = (duration/10.0) * 360.0 / frames e = 10.0 / frames y = t * 20.0 / frames if t < duration/4 or 2*duration/4 < t < 3*duration/4: else: fig.scene.render() return mlab.screenshot(antialiased=True) animation = movedit.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=duration) animation.write_gif("spherical_harmonic.gif", fps=fps)